Great Food!
Educating young people to healthier, independent lives...
...by learning to cook Great Food!

Having FUN with food!



Learning about FRESH & HEALTHY food...

Exploring TASTES & FLAVOURS...
While making GREAT FOOD!
The Great Food! Philosophy
"Eat to be healthy, eat to be smart, be good to the earth, be good to your heart.
Feed a hungry child, teach a man to fish, and do more good than you could wish."
Being Excited About What We Eat!
Great Food! is a specialty program taught in schools that aim to get children excited about their food. It teaches them about where their food comes from, how it is grown and by whom, how to make healthy eating choices...and most of all... BEST of all...how to have great fun

The program is highly creative and hands-on.
It introduces new ideas in the way we eat, and implements them through a wide range of cuisines and cooking styles, from traditional global kitchen practices to classic French and ethnic techniques. Locally grown and international ingredients lead the way to adventures in taste... and Great Food!
Participants also learn about the many different foods that their peers are eating at home and around the world, from Lebanon to Laos, and always enjoy tasting everything they cook at the end of each class.
Why Should We
Obesity rates in children have almost tripled in the past 25 years.
According to recent studies, approximately 26% of Canadian children are either overweight or obese;
If trends continue, we can expect this number to grow by 8% in the next 20 years.
Studies show that children love to be involved in the food they eat. Learning its origins, how to grow it, prepare it, cook it, and especially ... to share it.
A hungry child's future depends on food. In the spirit of sharing and benevolence, a portion of our profits will help feed hungry children and others in Canada, Kenya, & India.